Indian Contemporary vs Modern Art


Indian contemporary art is the Art that has continued to be created during our lifetime .This is a form of art that originates near around 1960 or 1970 and continues to exist till date. This art is emerging day by day. Both established and upcoming artists are coming up with innovative ideas.

Painting is a very strong medium to express history, tradition & legacy. Contemporary indian paintings have a beauty that harness the power of three dimensional spaces, which gives an impact through its sheer size .The artists of India are no more confined to a particular medium like oil on canvas or watercolor on paper, rather they are more enthusiastic and keen to explore new ideas and concepts. New kinds of media are coming and traditional media continue to boom.

After India gained independence in 1947, a group of artists formed the progressive Artist’s group,which profoundly changed Indian Art. Bengal school of art did a great deal to reshape contemporary taste.By the time India gained independence , Several schools of art in India provided access to modern technique and ideas. This same year a group of six artists ( K.H.Ara, S.k.Bakre, H.A.Gade, M.F.Hussain, S.H.Raza and F.N.souza) founded the progressive artists group.

Modern Art
Modern art in india may have drawn some ideas from the west but it differed from it significantly. This is clear when we turn to artists like Gaganendra nath, Amrita shergil and Jamini Roy, who began to be considered as modern during as early as the 1930s.

The modern art period includes work from the late 19th and early 20th centuries, from 1880 through the 1960.Contemporary art reference works created after the 1960 by artists who are still living. Modern and contemporary art both be considered revolutionary, but contemporary art is more about experimentation and freedom. Modern art is an expression of individuality, while contemporary art focuses on social impact. Modern art was created on canvas, while contemporary art can be found in a broader spectrum of mediums from object design, technabled art work to graphical arts.